Port of Ephrata

Port of Ephrata

The Port welcomes visitors to the airport and the use of the historic Terminal. Avgas via a 24-hour self-serve tank (next to the Terminal) and Jet-A via a truck dispensed, full-service operation (between 7:00am – 3:30pm). *NOTE: Re: Jet-A, it is recommended to call ahead (509) 750-8623 for service. 

The Port offers a pilot & passenger lounge area with drinks, snacks, DVR to watch numerous movies in stock, refrigerator, lounge chair and couch. Restrooms, a large conference room, picnic table in a grassy area, and a courtesy car.


As an added attraction, the Port has a small museum displaying photos and articles from the Port’s historical beginnings (former U.S. Army Base for B-24s and B-17s) and early days including its role in the Steven Spielberg movie “ALWAYS” (1989) portraying “Flat Rock, Colorado Air Attack Training Base” starring Richard Dreyfuss, John Goodman and Holly Hunter.

Information relating to Port businesses can be found below. Please note, this list will be periodically updated. 

Barrett Aircraft

Full Service Maintenance Facility